The most important celebration in a Slavic home is the marriage service, which is usually celebrated in spring, summer or autumn. It was a time for celebration and satisfaction, as it marked the beginning of the new life. Warriors married after successful promotions, fishermen held their ceremonies after a good catch and shepherds tied the knot after the calf winter.

Before the wedding ceremony hot russian girls, the wedding is usually given a rushnyk ( a crown with a combination). Her relatives existing her with bread and salt and inquire for their blessing. They also give the couple ektenias ( a ring ) that symbolizes a slavic marriage and a promise of faithfulness and fidelity. The bride wears a shroud, which she never takes off, except to go to the toilet. It was considered a bad omen to get off the mask during the ceremony, and in ancient times it was typical to condemn a newlywed who did so.

After the festival the brides walk through the streets of the village, with folks throwing grains of grain, pastries and pennies for happiness and prosperity. They also stop at native monuments and give gift. The wedding ceremony is supervised by a master of ceremonies called a” Tamada”. He is a boisterous pal who runs the numerous competitions.

When the wife leaves her parents ‘ apartment, she takes with her a shawl that she should stay, not to give away or let someone touch. The couple’s family tested the bride by asking her questions and requesting water from her. If they placed wealth on a basket, the bride had grant them water or answer their concerns.

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